jueves, 12 de septiembre de 2013

Nota en I Love Chile 09-08-13...

FOTO 1: C.B. Cebulski currently travels the world in search of new comic talent
as a talent scout. Photo: Nadia Politis. FOTO 2: “Alonso, singular hero” (Polly
Vera, Gianfranco Giordano). The latest Mythica Publishing launching. Photo: Nadia Politis.

Marvel Talent Scout Visits
Chile for Expo-Comic

Written by Nadia Politis on August 9, 2013.

Chester Cebulski, Marvel Comics Vice President of Creative Development and roaming talent scout, talked to I Love Chile about Chilean cartoonists work and their challenges up to foreign industries.

SANTIAGO — Expo-Comic 2013 started. A convention of  comic, manga and illustration, will receive more than 3,000 visitors throughout the weekend at the Costanera Center Mall (Andres Bello Avenue #2425, Providencia).

Guest of honor, C.B. Cebulski spoke with I Love Chile about his first impressions  and the new challenges of Chilean cartoonists.

Do you think these kind of events are becoming more popular?

There is a lot of people that don’t care what we do. They come to events and look at us like animals in a zoo. Like crazy people with costumes. Who are these people making “robots”? But this attitude is changing. Pop culture, like comic books, films, animation, especially video games, are becoming more and more prominent and mainstream. Comic book culture and all mystic that around them, has become “geek chic”. Nerds are cool. And we see a lot of that in the States. Especially in San Diego with “Comicon”.

What’s your opinion about Chilean comic book production?

I can say that what I have seen over last two days was amazing and impressive. The diversity of comic series inspire me. Especially diversity between men and women. In the United States there is a growing movement of female comic comiquers. But still a small percentage. Here is about fifty/fifty. It’s great to see. Everything is very, very unique. They have different influence of different places that they take, but don’t copy everybody. It’s not about only super heroes and manga.

What are the next challenges for Chilean artists?

It’s never been easy to break Comics book on the world on stage. Honestly, you have Facebook, Twitter, Deviantart, Instagram. You can push out there. No matter younger you are, no matter good you are. When I talk to people, I say “you have to use Internet as a tool”.

Internet can be brutal. Your Grandma could say “you´re fantastic”, but push that on Internet and look at what people have to said of that. Sometimes the best artist is the one that gets the job. But sometimes is the one who knows how to get the job. And the Chilean artists have to learn about it.

What’s new?

The Chilean Editorial “Mythica Publishing” will feature three new comic books, “Alonso, singular hero” (Polly Vera, Gianfranco Giordano), “Magical World” (M. Rauch, Cristian Grez) and “Inkheart” (Edward Bar) will be on sale.

There will also be a cosplay parade and the Japanese Chilean Cultural Institute will deliver workshops on origami, history sleeve and Japanese writing.

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